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The Strongest Adventurer’s Life Begins with the Skills [Regeneration] and [Destruction] ~I Was Banished for Picking Up Garbage, But I’m Born with Extraordinary Power!~

スキル【再生】と【破壊】から始まる最強冒険者ライフ~ごみ拾いと追放されたけど規格外の力で成り上がる! ~
Status: Publishing
Published: ?
Views: 2306
Genres: Fantasy, Shounen
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The Strongest Adventurer’s Life Begins with the Skills [Regeneration] and [Destruction] ~I Was Banished for Picking Up Garbage, But I’m Born with Extraordinary Power!~ summary:
Rolf, a boy who received the rare skill [Regeneration] and belonged to the strongest party. However, the skill never activates and is banished as useless. He spends his days alone with only a tattered sword as a memento, but when he meets Elsa, who has the [Destruction] skill, his ability awakens…!?