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Outo no Gakuen ni Kyousei Renkou Sareta Saikyou no Dragon Rider wa Chou ga Tsukuhodo Inakamono

最强乡下龙骑士, 王都の学園に強制連行された最強のドラゴンライダーは超が付くほど田舎者
Status: Publishing
Published: ?
Views: 2535
Genres: Action, Ecchi, Fantasy, School
mangakakalot.to rate : 5.0 / 5 - 2 votes
Outo no Gakuen ni Kyousei Renkou Sareta Saikyou no Dragon Rider wa Chou ga Tsukuhodo Inakamono summary:
Shimuru lives in the mountains with his companion Sorahime, a dragon. However, when he saves the royal platoon from a chimera, his life takes a turn. Having shown prominent strength, he is forcefully led to enroll at an elite academy in the royal capital. Furthermore, due to having been raised in a super backwater environment, Shimuru ends up frequently causing trouble.