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Fate/Extra CCC: Fox Tail

Fate/EXTRA CCC FoxTail Fate/Extra CCC FoxTail, Fate/Extra: Miko-n! Cas-ko-chan!?, Fate/Extra: Mikoon! Kyasuko-chan!?, Fate/Extra: Mikoon! Caster Kitsune-chan!?, Miko-n! Casko-chan!?
Author(s): Takenoko, Seijin (Art), Type-Moon (null)
Status: Publishing
Published: Oct 26, 2013 to ?
Views: 3957
mangakakalot.to rate : 4.9 / 5 - 10 votes
Fate/Extra CCC: Fox Tail summary:
The series is set on the Far Side of the Moon Cell, where BB used her abilities to create the Sakura Labyrinth. She brought over various Masters and Servants from the Moon Cell Holy Grail War on the Near Side, some taken instantly before their deletion and others brought during the sixth week. (Source: Type-Moon Wikia)