Popular Manga

Fancy Spinflower

空想スピンフラワ South South West
Author(s): Fujimiya, Ayu (null)
Status: Finished
Published: Aug 5, 2013 to Aug 5, 2014
Views: 158
Genres: Romance, School, Shoujo
mangakakalot.to rate : 0 / 5 - 0 votes
Fancy Spinflower summary:
Let us search for fellow youthful club members for our mysterious club activities! Because of her father's adventures, Miku is entering school 3 months late. As such, she's petrified of being excluded and not having friends. He, the school special's extracurricular "finder," gave Miku an opportunity to make friends. And thus, somehow, Miku managed to join a club... (Source: Senpai Scans) South South West