The manga's story centers around Sachi Maruyama, a girl who has just entered high school. In her new school, she finds that no club activities really interest her, so she is invited by an upperclassman from her middle school—now the student council president of her high school—to help with student council activities. There, she finds Karasuya, a boy she had met three years ago on a baseball field. (Source: ANN)
Set in the distant future, the world has undertaken a reform where the police organisation, as a whole, dissolved, and the local police and Metropolitan Police Department officially semi-privatised. Policemen are now called as "Sheriff" and hired by people as security against criminals. Money is given to those who catch the criminals, and this starts the boom of bounty hunters or simply called "Hunters". In comes the lazy sheriff Isuka Shinnosuke, who is hired by Yazama town's mayor. [Written by orithyea]
Love♥Master X
A normal junior high school girl, Nozawa Nao falls in love with Itami-senpai, who is in love with the school's poster girl, who is in love with a popular rock band vocalist...When will this vicious cycle ever end?! (Source: Stiletto Heels)
Kobe Zaijuu
The manga, which is composed of self-contained stories, centers on the daily life of Katsura Tatsuki. Katsura is a female student who goes to a university in Kobe's Western-influenced Kitano district. (Source: ANN)
Agnes Kamen
Professional wrestler Yamamoto Jingo just returned to Japan from a 5 year training trip in the US and Mexico, only to be greeted by his now defunct wrestling company: Yamato. He's come to find out that as soon as the president of the company passed away, the rival wrestling group "Teijitsu" took down Yamato. Jingo has now been forced to go seek revenge for the destruction of Yamato by challenging the Teijitsu president. One thing led to another, and now Jingo has been half-forced into working under Teijitsu as the new wrestler from Brazil: Agnes Kamen. (Source: MangaHelpers)
He that kills sinners. He whom carries five blades feels no remorse upon walking with the dead. It is his duty to live forever and find all those who have sinned. (Source: MU)
Zipang: Shinsou Kairyuu
This story begins around the time of the Heiji Rebellion (1159–1160), with the conflict between the Genji (Minamoto clan), led by Yoshitomo, and the Heike (Taira clan), led by Kiyomori. Yoshitomo's third son, 13-year-old Yoritomo, goes into battle against the Taira clan alongside his father and two older brothers. The events of this disastrous battle will change the course of Yoritomo's life, and eventually lead to his becoming a prominent figure in the history of the period. (Source: MangaHelpers)
Strike Witches: The Witches of Andorra
A semi-canonical doujin like Afrika no Majo, this one based on the historical events of World War II in Andorra.
Kurokuro: Black Chronicle
On the day he moved in with his childhood friend Miu, the heroine Fei materialized from a novel he hadn't managed to get rid of, and a very lively love triangle began.
Black Angels
Go to hell!! Join Yukito Yoji, professional assassin, on his conquest to rid Japan of its many scumbags! Corrupt politicians, evil doctors, selfish moneylenders...no one is safe in this over-the-top violence extravaganza!! (Source: mangareborn.jp)
Metropolitan Police Department, First Investigative Division, Eighth Criminal Investigation Unit—also known as "The Eighth." In order to solve vicious and unusual crimes, an elite force serving as both a suppression and execution force was created. Among them is a man with a high arrest rate, in contradiction with his bewildered demeanor. (Source: Me, Myself & I Scans)
True Goddess Reincarnation: Eden
Following the collapse of civilization after a worldwide nuclear war in the year XXXX A.D., demons have begun to emerge. The demon summoning warriors Jin, Jack, and Ayame summon demons to help protect people in their hunt for paradise.
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