Popular Manga

Boku Mushi

ぼく虫―西岡兄妹初期作品集 Nishioka Kyoudai Shoki Sakuhinshuu, Me-Bug, Jump, Aru Kinzoku Bat Jisatsu, Mono no Okibasho, Torikago, Kaze no Fuiteiru Hi, Ame no Futteiru Hi, Nichiyoubi, Tanjoubi, Satsujinkino Noroi, Yoru, Harigane, Boku ga Koroshita Mono
Author(s): Nishioka Kyoudai (null)
Status: Finished
Published: Oct 19, 1989 to Apr 24, 1996
Views: 616
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Boku Mushi summary:
A collection of sixteen early works by Nishioka Kyodai, including their three-part debut series. As always the stories range from the whimsical to the surreal, with tales of serial killers, bird women, and a man who one day wakes to find himself with a pouch like a kangaroo. (Source: MU) 1. Jump 2. Boku Mushi 3. Aru Kinzoku Bat Jisatsu 4. Mono no Okibasho 5. Torikago 6. Kaze no Fuiteiru Hi 7. Ame no Futteiru Hi 8. Nichiyoubi 9. Tanjoubi 10. Satsujinki-P no Noroi 11-12. Yoru 13. Harigane 14. Boku ga Koroshita Mono: Tobirabito 15. Boku ga Koroshita Mono: Kangaroo no Matsuei 16. Boku ga Koroshita Mono: Shinkei