Popular Manga

Beast & Feast

beast & feast Beast and Feast
Author(s): Akira, Norikazu (null)
Status: Finished
Published: Nov 30, 2007 to Aug 28, 2010
Views: 2425
Genres: Police, Yaoi
mangakakalot.to rate : 5.0 / 5 - 2 votes
Beast & Feast summary:
While investigating a murder case, Detective Hishinuma Kazuha is reunited with mobster, Hyoudou Itsuki. During their junior high school days, their relationship was like oil and water; Kazuha minded his own business and Hyoudou was emotionally attached. Hyoudou is at a bargaining point as he approaches Kazuha: he'll divulge important information about the case in exchange for Kazuha's body. Kazuha refuses such an unfathomable request, but Hyoudou, the unrestrained beast, takes control... These two interwoven men and their superb, wild, beast-like love! (Source: Dangerous Pleasure)