
Kinnikuman (a.k.a. Kinniku Suguru) is a cowardly, clumsy, moronic, gyuudon-devouring excuse for a superhero (or Choujin)... who just happens to be the prince of an alien planet. But despite his pathetic appearance, he is very honorable and can become quite powerful when he needs to be. With his sidekick Meat-kun and fellow Choujin's Terryman and Ramenman there to help him, Suguru quests to become the greatest Choujin on the planet. Whether with a combination of tremendous heart and stamina (The Burning Inner Strength) or the "Power of Friendship," Kinnikuman frequently defeats villians 10 times more powerful than him and often causes his enemies to have a change of heart and join him. Though he seems destined to be an idiot forever, slowly but surely Kinnikuman becomes worthy of the title "Hero."

Ultimate Muscle: The Kinnikuman Legacy

Kid Muscle, the son of legendary wrestler King Muscle, rockets to Earth and finds an evil wrestling gang called the dMp tearing the place apart. The punks on the dMp are the weirdest, nastiest, most outlandishly powerful musclebound freaks the galaxy has ever known. Kid Muscle's only hope: form a team that's even wilder. The only possible result is earthshaking, bodyslamming, ultimate-powered action that sends our entire planet sailing over the top rope!

Chou Kochikame

Contains five crossover one-shots with other series. 1. Sousha no Kyuujitsu (Crossover with ) 2. Ryoutsu Kankichi VS Lupin III (Crossover with ) 3. Seigi Choujin Kameari Dai Shuuketsu!! no Maki (Crossover with ) 4. Kochira Namekkusei Dragon Kouenmae Hashutsujo (Crossover with ) 5. Ryoutsu VS Shuuryou Patchi!!: J Gag All Stars Katsushika Dai Soudou!! (Crossover with , , , )
Total: 3 stories
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