Seven Days

Seven days is sufficient for first-year high school student Touji Seryou to determine whether he loves a person or not. He is well-known at school for dating the first person to ask him out on Monday and then breaking up with them by Sunday, telling them he cannot love them back. Even so, girls continue to ask him out because for the one week that they date, Seryou cherishes them with utmost sincerity. Yuzuru Shino is Seryou's handsome senior in the archery club, who is always dumped once his partners discover his unlikable personality. After hearing the rumor about Seryou, Yuzuru meets him by chance at the school gates and asks him out as a joke. To his surprise, Seryou takes his offer seriously. How will things go during their week-long relationship? [Written by MAL Rewrite]


In a world where various plant seeds are cultivated for unique purposes—such as to instantly start fires, create materials similar to rope, or send signals from a distance—rare seeds are sought after. In order to maintain economic and political stability, the National Grainelier Special Education and Research Institute holds exclusive rights to grow and research seeds and also polices the use of seeds that can be ingested by humans. These seeds transform people into "carriers," making them more similar to plants than humans and granting them dangerous powers. Following the death of his mother, Luca Anglade lives alone with his reclusive father Christophe. Both father and son illegally grow seeds, but whereas Luca sells his seeds in order to afford their living expenses, the goal of Christophe's experiments is a mystery. One night, a Grainelier security team arrives and attempts to arrest Christophe. He commands Luca to swallow a handful of seeds and then flee, but Luca is barely able to get a safe distance away before losing consciousness. When he wakes up, he finds himself in the home of his childhood friend, Abel Guivarch, who informs him that two years have passed—but Luca does not appear to have aged a day since that fateful night. [Written by MAL Rewrite]

Ten Count

Tadaomi Shirotani is the secretary to the company president of Tosawa Corporation—and is a severe mysophobe. His obsessive-compulsive disorder has limited him in every aspect, from being unable to leave the house without a pair of gloves on, to cleaning his hands vigorously enough to make them bleed. When the president gets into an accident, he is saved by a mysterious young man who departs as quickly as he appears. Ordered to go after him, Shirotani meets Riku Kurose, a man who is able to quickly identify his mysophobia. Begrudgingly taking his advice to seek help from a professional, Shirotani visits Shimada Psychosomatics with the hope of seeing a psychiatrist. When he once again runs into Kurose there, the man reveals that he himself is a counselor at the clinic, and offers to treat Shirotani's condition. Kurose asks him to write a list of 10 things he is reluctant to do—thus beginning his course of exposure therapy. Yet, Shirotani wonders why Kurose would show such kindness to a stranger. After all, the two have barely met, and Kurose does not deny the accusations of an ulterior motive. With number 10 on the list left blank by an undecided Shirotani, Kurose issues a challenge. Once Shirotani figures out the last item, the thing he would hate to do the most, only then will his newfound counselor finally tell him the truth. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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