Animal X: Genshi Sairai

The third series in the " " timeline. Having burned enough bridges in Japan, Yuuji and Minato have moved their new family to a small dinosaur-crazy town in Canada. If there's any place in the world left for Dinosauroids, surely it must be here: a town revived by the discovery of dinosaur bones, with one of the largest paleontology research centers in the world, and a network of "Conservation Centers" set up to cater to the newly-discovered Dinosauroid community. The rest of the world, None-the-wiser for the incident at the Biodome (which was covered up completely) has pretty much forgotten all about Dinosauroids.

Animal X: Daichi No Okite

The second series in the timeline. Taking refuge in the newly rebuilt Asato-Jima commune, Yuuji and Minato try to carve a place for themselves in a Dinosauroid society foreign to both of them. Split up for long periods of time by their work assignments, Minato and Yuuji slowly grow farther apart. When it seems as if nothing can possibly get any worse: Yuuji gives birth to his first child.

Animal X: Aragami No Ichizoku

The first series in the " " timeline. 27-year-old Ayukawa Yuuji has never been much of a man; he's more comfortable sewing than fighting, he faints at the sight of blood, and his fiancee is tougher than he is. He's also a terrible pushover. So when his boss at the medical lab volunteers him for some experimental drug therapy, how can he possibly refuse? All's mediocre for Yuuji: master of the pathetic. Mediocre, that is, until a juvenile mass murder suspect jumps out from under Yuuji's bed, declaring him his "mate." Before Yuuji has time to argue, the stranger transforms into a 16 foot-tall dinosaur and beheads his roommate... Yuuji suddenly finds himself the sole target of a lost race that turns into dinosaurs, an extremely scary woman with a Goddess-Complex, the yakuza, a mad scientist and one 17 year-old boy who really really really wants to sleep with him. (Source: Doki-Doki)
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