Body & Soul

Body & Soul is a manga "wellness guide," and also a surprising and touching love story. The initial story of Miku's quest for health precedes a fantastic love adventure, where love appears little by little, and where we don't expect it...

The Aromatic Bitters

When two gal pals go on road trip, anything can happen! Sayumi and Hide are two friends cursed with the same fate: They're both stuck in dead-end relationships, and neither can find her way out. When they decide to hit the road and go to Hide's country home for the summer, they learn loads about love, life, and each other. follows the lives of two women with nothing left to lose but their inhibitions. (Source: Tokyopop)

Angel Nest

A woman named Natsu finds Ken, her husband, with another woman when she comes home from work one day. Ken confesses that he is in love with the girl, mi, and asks Natsu for a divorce. Natsu doesn't really feel shocked OR sad, for some strange reason. All she can think of is what she has learned from her five years with Ken, and how she can move forward. Then, one sleepless night, she sees an angel sitting on her balcony... and soon after, the angel begins living with her. Included in this volume are three more short manga stories: God Knows Everything, Tea Time and Dispensation of Heaven. (Source: Tokyopop)

Between the Sheets

Between the Sheets features the unusual friendship from the nearly inseparable Saki and Minako. Minako carries a fervent torch for the other girl - a passion of which Saki is initially ignorant. But when Minako sleeps with Saki's boyfriend Ken (just to see what Saki sees in him), the true nature of Minako's obsession begins to reveal itself ... provoking an understandably strong reaction from Saki. (Source: Tokyopop)
Total: 4 stories
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