Blood and Chocolate
The story centers on Yozora Fujimitsu, a newly admitted student to North Gate National Military Academy, a school where the elite gather. Yozora possesses both beauty and intelligence, but he immediately feels uneasy at his new school. He thinks, "At this school, there's some kind of big secret." A vortex of speculations occupies Yozora as he's led toward that secret. (Source: ANN)
Metropolitan Police Department, First Investigative Division, Eighth Criminal Investigation Unit—also known as "The Eighth." In order to solve vicious and unusual crimes, an elite force serving as both a suppression and execution force was created. Among them is a man with a high arrest rate, in contradiction with his bewildered demeanor. (Source: Me, Myself & I Scans)
Suicide Line
Kuroda is a police investigator with a special talent for sniffing out corpses—literally—due to a traumatic event in his childhood where he was trapped in a room with his deceased family members for several days. After being assigned to the Missing Persons Division where they hope to make the best use of his ability, he meets a genius detective with an unbelievably high case closure rate. (Source: MU)
Total: 3 stories
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