Rainbow Days

follows the daily lives of four high school boys: the hopeless romantic Natsuki Hashiba, the sadist Keiichi Katakura, the playboy Tomoya Matsunaga, and the smart otaku Tsuyoshi Naoe. Even while constantly struggling in their studies, they spend their days goofing around and having romantic misadventures. On Christmas Eve, however, Natsuki is dumped by his girlfriend. While crying alone, he receives a pack of tissues from a girl wearing a Santa Claus costume, and, in return, gives her the scarf originally meant for his ex-girlfriend. As the holidays end and Natsuki returns to school, he finds out that the girl is named Anna Kobayakawa—who luckily goes to the same school as him! Having fallen in love with Anna, Natsuki aims to get closer to her, despite his friends interfering with his plans. [Written by MAL Rewrite] Volume 1: Aru Toshi to Sorekara no Watashitachi Volume 5: Shinbun-bu no Yoriko-kun

We Don't Know Love Yet

High school is a time to find oneself, a period of uncertainty and growth. For most, it's a time to experience love for the first time. For six certain high school students, love is a mystery that threatens to bring them together yet tear them apart at the same time. Realistic yet outwardly playful Eiji Aihara is close friends with the serious Naohiko Bessho, who is in a long-distance relationship with Izumi Shiosaki, Eiji's childhood friend. Eiji's daily activities put him in contact with Mizuho Ikezawa and Taichi Senami, who has a crush on Ikezawa. Meanwhile, Koharu Fujimura is a girl experiencing her first relationship, yet she is unsure whether this is truly love. After an encounter with Naohiko, her eyes begin to open. Inexperienced and innocent, the lives of these six students begin to intertwine as they come to terms with themselves and grow to discover the true meaning of "love." [Written by MAL Rewrite]
Total: 2 stories
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