Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle

In a world where humans and demons coexist, Demon Lord Tasogare holds the human empire's princess, Aurora Suya Rhys Kaymin, hostage. He demands humans to give him absolute rule on the world, but humanity refuses to concede without a fight and sends hero Yuusha Akatsuki to save the captive. Meanwhile, although unharmed, Suya Rhys spends her time locked up in the demon castle, often feeling lethargic. Even so, she has trouble sleeping due to poor hospitality. The princess then begins her amusing adventures as she tries to make herself comfortable and finally get some sleep. [Written by MAL Rewrite]

Stuffed Toy Crash

Fuwa Wataru is a high school boy who loves cute stuff, like stuffed animals. He's at an arcade one day, trying to win a cute new stuffed bear, when bullies show up to torment him. In fleeing from them, he happens across a very special toy-catching game—one that has a naked man in it. The man calls himself "Mofu-tarou" (after the name of the stuffed bear) and insists that he is a stuffed animal. He does seem to have genuine stuffed animal ears and a tail, at least. He follows Wataru home, determined to be his new stuffed animal. Wataru's life gets even weirder as his Mumu-tan stuffed bear starts talking, and he has to figure out how to hide his new Mofu-tarou "stuffed animal."
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