
Azumi focuses upon the life of the female assassin Azumi. The manga begins an indeterminate number of years after the Battle of Sekigahara, but as the Azumi begins her assassination missions, the manga introduces the characters into mainstream history. Many of the early assassination missions that Azumi undertakes are the assassinations of the prominent supporters and generals of the Toyotomi Clan, against whom the Toyotomi Clan expected to again go to war. (Source: Wikipedia)

Ooi! Ryouma

Ryouma Sakamoto is a coward and a crybaby who is a daily victim of bullying from the neighborhood children. To top it all off, his poor educational performance earns him a one-way ticket out of his cram school. But beneath the clumsiness and faults lies an equally strong and kind heart. Upon the murder of his mother his kindness becomes his strength and he decides that he wants to become stronger.
Total: 2 stories
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