Ragna Crimson
In this action-packed dark fantasy, humanity lives under the threat of annihilation by immensely powerful dragons. The dragon hunter Ragna embarks on a revenge-fueled quest to eliminate that threat once and for all. Dragon hunters: warriors armed with special silver weapons who kill their prey for bounty. Lowest among their ranks is Ragna, who forms an improbable partnership with the young genius Leonica, a master dragon slayer with more kills to her name than almost any other. All Ragna wants is to stay by Leonica's side, but his dream is shattered by an attack from the deadliest dragon imaginable...
Satsui No Senki
Mikoto Rikudou, your average Secondary School kid, lives an ordinary life and doesn't think much about the unexplained appearances of figures called "demons" in the city. This is all turned upside-down when he finds the most timid girl in class is one of them, he is caught in the middle of a battle between these creatures and ends up becoming one himself… only to be told he will have to kill other people using his new powers or lose his own life instead. (Source: MU)
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