Franken Fran
Deep within Japan's remote regions is the mansion of Dr. Naomitsu Madaraki, a surgeon notorious for his gruesome work. While he is away from home, his artificial daughter Fran takes over the mansion and his grisly surgical practice. With the aid of her violent younger sister Veronica, the human-cat hybrid Okita, and Dr. Madaraki's other macabre creations, Fran deals with the unusual requests of her clients. From tumor removal to reviving the dead, no two jobs are alike, but no job is too difficult—or too dangerous—for the successor to Dr. Madaraki. This eccentric medical prodigy is willing to do anything to save a life, even if her results are seldom pretty. [Written by MAL Rewrite] Volume 7:
Franken Fran Frantic
Follow the amazingly horrific Fran Madaraki as she solves problems with science—more often than not, worsening the problem on an astronomical scale. Fran and her two sisters are results of Doctor Madaraki's experiments, who created them before his sudden disappearance. First he made the loose-canon Gavrill and second the deceptively small Veronica. Thanks to a knob on the side of her head, Gavrill is able to transform into a wolf-like monster with unparalleled strength and stamina, while Veronica contains an arsenal of weapons inside her, often acting as Fran's bodyguard. Doctor Madaraki's masterpiece, Fran, is a seemingly immortal doctor, knowledgeable in many fields and capable of operating on anyone, including herself. Within this vast world, everyone has their own role, going from the simple policeman to Adorea, the monster who transports organs. Fran Madaraki is a multifaceted person: she may act nice while enacting a vicious plan, and she is much smarter than most realize. depicts scenes of gruesome visual violence, decapitation, and gore to play out a fleshy tale. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
Meitantei Marnie
Where there are people, there is drama and troubles to be solved. Marnie's father works as a detective to solve problems created between people, whether they are marriage issues or murder cases. Just like her father, Marnie also solves cases as long as the price is right. She usually lives as a normal student, sleeping through her classes, but once a client asks for her help, she will stop at nothing to solve the mystery laid before her. (Source: MU)
Total: 3 stories
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