Shio Asami, the wealthy daughter of a famous, deceased opera singer, aims to follow the same path as her mother. Moe Midorikawa, a young woman working several part-time jobs, dreams of becoming an opera singer as well. What will happen when these two meet?! Volume one is full of drama, love and rivalry!
Yukan Club
St. President school is one of the richest schools around. Everybody in this school respects the Yukan club, the most popular and richest group in the whole school. This includes Shouchikubai Miroku, Kenbishi Yuuri, Kikumasamune Seishirou, Hakushika Noriko and Kizakura Karen. They go through dangerous adventures to save their school and, of course, just to kill their spare time.
The story of four female friends, all about love and life choices. (Source: MU, edited) Volume 1: Hisame
Total: 4 stories
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