Konohana Kitan
is the heartwarming story of a new apprentice named Yuzu, and the other fox girls who work at a hot spring hotel called Konohatei. The staff at Konohatei live by one belief: no matter who one may truly be, no matter what, anyone who is a guest is a god. Of course, that includes you. Let the hospitality of Yuzu and the Konohatei heal your tired soul. (Source: Tokyopop)
Doubt! (Amano Sakuya)
Ichiru Kanzaki is given an offer he can't refuse: to clear his entire debt, he has to enroll in the high school where his father works to track down his father's illegitimate daughter, his own younger half-sister, whom he has never met. But which girl is she? (Source: MU)
Total: 3 stories
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